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РОЗДІЛ 31. Технічний стан та обладнання транспортних засобів.

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In case of what malfunction, further movement, even to a place of repair or parking, is prohibited?

In the event of a malfunction, further movement is prohibited?

In the presence of what malfunction, further movement of the vehicle in rain or snowfall is prohibited?

In which case is operation of a car allowed?

What should you do if a speedometer has failed while driving?

In which case is operation of a vehicle allowed?

Is it allowed to fit tires with a different tread pattern on one axle of a passenger car?

In the presence of what malfunction is the operation of a vehicle allowed?

In which cases it is prohibited to drive further even to a place of repair or parking with faulty headlights and rear position lights?

Under what conditions the further movement of transport is forbidden remedy if the wiper does not work on the side of the steering wheel?

Loading Under what conditions the further movement of transport is forbidden remedy if the wiper does not work on the side of the steering wheel?
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