Other courses: Александрович

РОЗДІЛ 14. Обгін.

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In which cases are you allowed to overtake at the intersection?

How should a driver of a blue car moving straight act in this situation?

Loading How should a driver of a blue car moving straight act in this situation?

Is the driver of a white car allowed to overtake in this place?

Loading Is the driver of a white car allowed to overtake in this place?

Is the driver of a red car allowed to overtake in this place of the road?

Loading Is the driver of a red car allowed to overtake in this place of the road?

Did the driver of a green car overtake a blue car correctly?

Loading Did the driver of a green car overtake a blue car correctly?

At what distance from pedestrian crossing is overtaking prohibited?

Overtaking is prohibited:

Is the driver allowed to overtake in this place?

Loading Is the driver allowed to overtake in this place?

Is the driver allowed to overtake vehicles moving with orange flashing beacons turned on?

Loading Is the driver allowed to overtake vehicles moving with orange flashing beacons turned on?

Are you allowed to overtake in this situation?

Loading Are you allowed to overtake in this situation?