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РОЗДІЛ 2. Обов'язки та права водіїв механічних ТЗ.

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What documents should a driver of a motor vehicle carry?

Drivers of what vehicles may not provide their vehicle to police officers and health workers in the cases stipulated by Traffic Rules?

To whom and in what cases a driver of a car must provide his or her vehicle?

Police officers for transportation of damaged vehicles are used:

Which of the following is forbidden for a driver?

A driver involved in a traffic accident, who stopped the vehicle at the place of accident, activated hazard warning lights and put an advance warning triangle while staying at the place of accident must:

Loading A driver involved in a traffic accident, who stopped the vehicle at the place of accident, activated hazard warning lights and put an advance warning triangle while staying at the place of accident must:

What is the driver who became involved in a traffic accident obliged to do?

Loading What is the driver who became involved in a traffic accident obliged to do?

In the case of a traffic accident, a driver must report it...

Which of the following is a driver involved in the traffic accident obliged to do, if there are victims as a result of the accident?

Loading Which of the following is a driver involved in the traffic accident obliged to do, if there are victims as a result of the accident?

Vehicle owner has the right:

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