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РОЗДІЛ 2. Обов'язки та права водіїв механічних ТЗ.

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What documents should a driver of a motor vehicle carry?

According to Traffic Rules, on demand of police officer, a driver must...

Who can require a driver to undergo a medical examination in order to determine the state of alcohol intoxication, the influence of narcotic or toxic substances?

Loading Who can require a driver to undergo a medical examination in order to determine the state of alcohol intoxication, the influence of narcotic or toxic substances?

Police officers for transportation of damaged vehicles are used:

Who is allowed to stop and park in the action zone of "No waiting" sign where there is an "Except disabled persons" plate under it?

Loading Who is allowed to stop and park in the action zone of "No waiting" sign where there is an "Except disabled persons" plate under it?

Which of the drivers does not violate the requirements of the Rules of the Road, using means of communication while driving a vehicle?

What is the driver who became involved in a traffic accident obliged to do?

Loading What is the driver who became involved in a traffic accident obliged to do?

In the case of a traffic accident, a driver must report it...

Is it allowed for a driver involved in an accident, prior to a medical examination, to consume alcohol, drugs, drugs made on their basis (except for those that are included in the officially approved composition of the first-aid kit), before the ambulance arrives?

Vehicle owner has the right:

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