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РОЗДІЛ 18. Проїзд пішохідних переходів та трамвайних зупинок.

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What is the meaning of two flashing signals of the traffic light in this situation?

Loading What is the meaning of two flashing signals of the traffic light in this situation?

What should you do it if the traffic light operates in the yellow signal flashing mode?

What measures should drivers take when driving past pedestrians waiting for permissive signal of the traffic light on the safety islands or on a line separating traffic flows?

Loading What measures should drivers take when driving past pedestrians waiting for permissive signal of the traffic light on the safety islands or on a line separating traffic flows?

How should the driver of a car act if the car moving ahead began to slow down before the non-regulated pedestrian crossing?

Loading How should the driver of a car act if the car moving ahead began to slow down before the non-regulated pedestrian crossing?

What should you do in a situation where a car moving ahead of you first began to slow down, and then stopped at all before a non-regulated pedestrian crossing?

What should the driver of a vehicle do if another vehicle moving in the adjacent lane ahead of him, began to slow down or stopped at all before the non-regulated pedestrian crossing?

How should drivers act in a situation where a pedestrian going into the carriageway gives a signal with a white cane directed forward?

Loading How should drivers act in a situation where a pedestrian going into the carriageway gives a signal with a white cane directed forward?

You stopped to give way to pedestrians who get in and get off the tram. When are you allowed to continue movement?

What should you do in a situation when you are approaching a bus that picks up or drops off organized groups of children?

In this case, the driver of the white car can continue driving only when pedestrians leave the roadway and close in the tram door:

Loading In this case, the driver of the white car can continue driving only when pedestrians leave the roadway and close in the tram door:
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