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In which cases are drivers of vehicles allowed to enter the area indicated by these road signs?

Loading In which cases are drivers of vehicles allowed to enter the area indicated by these road signs?

Is a handicapped driver allowed in this situation to enter the area marked with road signs if there are no other approaches?

Loading Is a handicapped driver allowed in this situation to enter the area marked with road signs if there are no other approaches?

The following road sign prohibits traffic of:

Loading The following road sign prohibits traffic of:

In what direction are you allowed to move in this situation?

Loading In what direction are you allowed to move in this situation?

Along which of the following trajectories are you allowed to turn right?

Loading Along which of the following trajectories are you allowed to turn right?

Along which of the trajectories are you allowed to move in the situation shown?

Loading Along which of the trajectories are you allowed to move in the situation shown?

Which of the road signs shown prohibits a U-turn?

Loading Which of the road signs shown prohibits a U-turn?

Under what condition is it allowed to overtake a vehicle after passing the road sign shown installed with a plate?

Loading Under what condition is it allowed to overtake a vehicle after passing the road sign shown installed with a plate?

Is the driver of a grey car allowed to overtake in the situation shown?

Loading Is the driver of a grey car allowed to overtake in the situation shown?

Which of the road signs shown prohibits overtaking to all vehicles?

Loading Which of the road signs shown prohibits overtaking to all vehicles?

Is the tractor driver allowed to overtake in the situation shown if the car moving ahead moves at a speed lower than 30 km/h.?

Loading Is the tractor driver allowed to overtake in the situation shown if the car moving ahead moves at a speed lower than 30 km/h.?

Which of the road signs shown indicates the end of "Maximum Speed Limit" sign action area?

Loading Which of the road signs shown indicates the end of "Maximum Speed Limit" sign action area?

The road sign shown has the following meaning:

Loading The road sign shown has the following meaning:

Which of the cars is parked in the village in violation of the traffic rules in the presented situation?

Loading Which of the cars is parked in the village in violation of the traffic rules in the presented situation?

Which of the cars is parked in the village in violation of the traffic rules in the presented situation?

Loading Which of the cars is parked in the village in violation of the traffic rules in the presented situation?

At what place are you allowed to stop in the situation shown?

Loading At what place are you allowed to stop in the situation shown?

At what place are you allowed to park in the situation shown?

Loading At what place are you allowed to park in the situation shown?

The road sign shown is installed:

Loading The road sign shown is installed:

Road sign shown:

Loading Road sign shown:

The effect of this road sign extends to:

Loading The effect of this road sign extends to:
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