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РОЗДІЛ 4. Обов'язки та права пішоходів.

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Does a pedestrian have a priority if he or she crosses the road at a marked non-regulated pedestrian crossing?

In which cases is a pedestrian allowed to walk as the edge of the carriageway?

In what direction along the roadside or edge of the carriageway should persons confined to a non-motorized wheelchairs, pushing a motorcycle, moped or cycle, outside the localities, move?

On what side of the carriageway should organized groups of people move?

Is it allowed to guide organized groups of children on the carriageway?

Under what conditions are pedestrians allowed to cross the road outside the pedestrian crossing or outside the intersection?

On a regulated pedestrian crossing, a pedestrian who did not have time to cross the carriageway of the road of one direction of traffic (a prohibiting traffic light signal lit up for them) should:

What should do pedestrians who cross the road with a median strip over a regulated pedestrian crossing, to whom, while crossing the carriageway of one direction (when they have not yet reached the median strip), a prohibiting traffic light signal lit up?

Are pedestrians allowed to cross the road at unregulated intersections if there is no marked pedestrian crossing?

Are pedestrians allowed to cross the carriageway on this section of the road?

Loading Are pedestrians allowed to cross the carriageway on this section of the road?
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