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РОЗДІЛ 11. Розташування транспортних засобів на дорозі.

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How should a non-rail vehicle move on a road that has two or more lanes for traffic in each direction, free from other vehicles, if there is no need to makes maneuvers?

Can the driver of the vehicle enter the lane intended for the oncoming traffic, to stop or park at the left edge of the carriageway?

When are non-rail vehicles allowed to move along the tramway track of the same direction located at the same level as the carriageway?

Along what trajectory is a driver allowed to make a left turn?

Loading Along what trajectory is a driver allowed to make a left turn?

Is it allowed for the driver to drive along the tramway track of the same direction in this situation?

Loading Is it allowed for the driver to drive along the tramway track of the same direction in this situation?

What should a driver do in this situation in case of driving straight?

Loading What should a driver do in this situation in case of driving straight?

In which cases, vehicles are allowed to move along pavements and footpaths?

Along what trajectory is a cyclist allowed to move further?

Loading Along what trajectory is a cyclist allowed to move further?

On which roads are the cyclists, moped drivers, persons who drive animal-powered transport, and riders allowed to make left turn or U-turn?

Loading On which roads are the cyclists, moped drivers, persons who drive animal-powered transport, and riders allowed to make left turn or U-turn?

You are allowed to make a U-turn along trajectory B because:

Loading You are allowed to make a U-turn along trajectory B because:
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