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Розділ 16. Проїзд перехресть.

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Which intersection is considered to be regulated?

Should the driver of a car give way to a cyclist in this situation?

Loading Should the driver of a car give way to a cyclist in this situation?

How should a driver of a blue car act if the green signal of the traffic light has been turned on?

Loading How should a driver of a blue car act if the green signal of the traffic light has been turned on?

How should a driver act, when the signal of the traffic light which allows movement, has been turned on?

How should you act in this situation when driving straight?

Loading How should you act in this situation when driving straight?

When turning right, the driver of a blue car must:

Loading When turning right, the driver of a blue car must:

How should a driver of a white car, which moved into crossing of carriageways at the green signal of the traffic light, act?

Loading How should a driver of a white car, which moved into crossing of carriageways at the green signal of the traffic light, act?

How will a cyclist pass through the intersection in this case?

Loading How will a cyclist pass through the intersection in this case?

Are you allowed to turn right in this situation when the red signal of the traffic light is turned on?

Loading Are you allowed to turn right in this situation when the red signal of the traffic light is turned on?

How should a driver of white car, who is waiting for a traffic light signal that allows movement to turn on, act in this situation in order to drive straight?

Loading How should a driver of white car, who is waiting for a traffic light signal that allows movement to turn on, act in this situation in order to drive straight?
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