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РОЗДІЛ 26. Рух в житловій та пішохідній зоні.

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Residential area is considered to be:

Loading Residential area is considered to be:

Where are pedestrians allowed to move in residential and pedestrian areas?

Should the driver of a vehicle moving in the residential or pedestrian area give way to pedestrians who are on the carriageway?

Loading Should the driver of a vehicle moving in the residential or pedestrian area give way to pedestrians who are on the carriageway?

Is the transit traffic of vehicles in a residential area allowed?

Where should vehicles be parked in residential areas?

Which of the listed below is prohibited in residential areas?

Is learner driving allowed in a residential area?

Loading Is learner driving allowed in a residential area?

Who is allowed to enter a pedestrian area?

Loading Who is allowed to enter a pedestrian area?

When exiting the pedestrian area, the driver of a blue car must give way to:

Loading When exiting the pedestrian area, the driver of a blue car must give way to:

Rules for traffic in the residential area apply to any yard territory, regardless of whether it is marked with appropriate road sign:

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