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РОЗДІЛ 3. Рух транспортних засобів зі спецсигналами.

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Under what conditions the drivers of operational vehicles have priority over other road users?

Drivers of operational vehicles, performing an urgent service task, having turned on a red or blue flashing beacon, may deviate from:

Is it allowed for the driver of a vehicle with a blue or red flashing beacon turned on to run the traffic guard's prohibition signal?

What should a driver of a vehicle to which a car with a blue flashing beacon and (or) sound signal turned on is approaching from the rear do?

Loading What should a driver of a vehicle to which a car with a blue flashing beacon and (or) sound signal turned on is approaching from the rear do?

What should a driver do in this situation if an operational vehicle is approaching?

Loading What should a driver do in this situation if an operational vehicle is approaching?

What kind of flashing beacon must be turned on on the vehicle closing the convoy if red and blue flashing beacons are turned on on the vehicle moving in front of the convoy?

Is it allowed for the driver of a blue car to advance ahead of the car accompanying the convoy and moving with a green flashing beacon turned on?

Loading Is it allowed for the driver of a blue car to advance ahead of the car accompanying the convoy and moving with a green flashing beacon turned on?

Is it always required to turn on a special sound signal together with red or blue flashing beacons turned on on an operational vehicle that performs an urgent service task?

Should the driver prefer to drive an ambulance?

Loading Should the driver prefer to drive an ambulance?

Is there an advantage in traffic by turning on the orange flashing beacon on road maintenance vehicles while the work is being done?

Loading Is there an advantage in traffic by turning on the orange flashing beacon on road maintenance vehicles while the work is being done?
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