Other courses: Антон Вікторович

22. Перевезення вантажу

Контрольні питання
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What safety measures must be taken by the driver of a vehicle that carries the load before the start of movement, as well as during the movement?

In order to prevent load falling and drawing, injury of accompanying persons or creating obstacles to traffic, the driver who carries the load must:

Upon what conditions is the carriage of goods allowed?

Before starting the movement, as well as during movement, the driver of the vehicle is obliged to check the reliability of the location and fastening of the load so that the load:

Above what minimum distance from the outer edge of the front or rear position lamp must the load protrude in width so that it should be clearly marked with signal plates or flags in accordance with the Traffic Rules?

Above what minimum distance from the outer edge of the front or rear position lamp must the load protrude in length so that it should be clearly marked with signal plates or flags in accordance with the Traffic Rules?