Other courses: Антон Викторович

33.1. Попереджувальні знаки, частина 2

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How are these signs installed before a railway crossing?

Loading How are these signs installed before a railway crossing?

Which of the road signs shown is installed before a road section where children may appear from the territory of a children's institution adjacent directly to the road?

Loading Which of the road signs shown is installed before a road section where children may appear from the territory of a children's institution adjacent directly to the road?

Which of the signs shown may be installed directly before hazardous section of the road?

Loading Which of the signs shown may be installed directly before hazardous section of the road?

Which of the presented road signs is repeated in front of a dangerous section of the road outside of settlements?

Loading Which of the presented road signs is repeated in front of a dangerous section of the road outside of settlements?

Which of the shown road signs is repeated in front of dangerous sections of the road in settlements?

Loading Which of the shown road signs is repeated in front of dangerous sections of the road in settlements?

What does this road sign inform about?

Loading What does this road sign inform about?