Other courses: Антон Вікторович

Основи безпечного водіння, частина 3. Етика водія

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The permitted blood alcohol level of a driver in Ukraine must not exceed:

What should you do if you are confronted with the aggressive driving style of drivers in front of you?

Loading What should you do if you are confronted with the aggressive driving style of drivers in front of you?

If you are a newly licensed driver and driving at night makes you fearful or insecure, your best bet is to:

Drinking even a small dose of alcohol:

Loading Drinking even a small dose of alcohol:

Which of the following statements best describes you as a safe driver?

While driving in the traffic flow, a driver moving in an adjacent lane abruptly changed lanes into your lane, forcing you to slow down. What needs to be done in this situation?

Loading While driving in the traffic flow, a driver moving in an adjacent lane abruptly changed lanes into your lane, forcing you to slow down. What needs to be done in this situation?