Other courses: Антон Вікторович

20. Рух через залізничні переїзди

Контрольні питання
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What should the drivers of vehicle be guided by when passing through any railway crossings?

Where does the driver of a car have to stop his vehicle in order to pass the approaching train when there are no road traffic organization means at the crossing.

How should you act in a situation when a light and sound signaling system has been turned on at the railway crossing, and the train has not yet appeared within the limits of visibility?

How should you act in this situation when a traffic jam has occurred at the railway crossing that will force you to stop?

Loading How should you act in this situation when a traffic jam has occurred at the railway crossing that will force you to stop?

Is it allowed to open the barrier on a railway crossing without permission?

Loading Is it allowed to open the barrier on a railway crossing without permission?

What is a train stop signal given by a person in case of a forced stop of a vehicle on a railway crossing or other danger?