Бізюк Сергій Васильович
Мій промокод - biz168625.
Driving school: Освітній заклад Сумська автомобільна школа ТСО України
City: Sumi
Commentator rating: 6677
Rating of the commentator is formed by the difference of likes and dislikes of all user comments.
Teacher rating: 10
The rating of the teacher is formed as an average assessment of the performance of his students.
Number of groups: 44
Number of students: 380
Comments • 242
You are about to join the group. to teacher Бізюк Сергій Васильович
You are going to leave the application for training teacher: Бізюк Сергій Васильович
You are a teacher and cannot enroll in a class
You are a driving school and cannot sign up for a lesson

City (town):
The number of teachers:
Number of groups:
Number of students:

Driving school:
City (town):
Number of groups:
Number of students:
Successful request for training
Repeat request sent
This teacher has blocked requests from you.
You have successfully joined the group
You are already a member
The teacher can not join the group
Group not found
Учитель :
Driving school :
City (town) :
Number of students: