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Підготовка до практичного іспиту (м.Кривий Ріг , вул. Бикова, 31, ТЦ «Метро»ТСЦ МВС №1248)
Слободянюк Олег Петрович
To get the certificate, you must pass the final testing
In order for the sections to become available, you must go through the previous stage of training
You have completed control questions with an unacceptable number of errors, go through the training section again.
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Dear friend!
Spodіvaєmosya, so that everything was honored, and having removed the new knowledge. I’m sure that the stench will come in handy more than once!
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Our test questions are 100% compliant with the official ones, for which theoretical exams are taken in the service centers of Ukraine.
All other resources that claim that their test items are official, mislead you. The illustrations are modified and irrelevant text is placed in them. Preparing with the help of such resources, you can get confused on the official exam and simply do not pass it.